


2011 • USA Network
Dir. R.J. Cutler

We made a short main title for R.J. Cutler’s short doc about renowned L.A. chefs Jon Shook and Zach McGowan of Animal and Son of a Gun.

For an in-depth exploration of the process involving laser cutting the letters and using a fish tank, check out our making-of page.


End Titles



We love making things by hand, and the title treatment for FISH was no exception. We laser-cut the letters and then used a fish tank to shoot the letters individually.

We used an aquarium to create an underwater “puppet” space for the text.

We used an aquarium to create an underwater “puppet” space for the text.

(Gareth: See? I told you this would work!)

(Gareth: See? I told you this would work!)

Each letter was photographed individually.

Each letter was photographed individually.

The letters were filmed in slow motion to capture the wonderful movement of the bubbles.

The letters were filmed in slow motion to capture the wonderful movement of the bubbles.

Terence Heuston and Jenny puppet the letters.

Terence Heuston and Jenny puppet the letters.

What your apartment looks like when you do a shoot at home.

What your apartment looks like when you do a shoot at home.